At CrossFit 201 we train for excellence of body and mind. Our program relies on constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity for maximum effectiveness. There is no “weekly lifting schedule” or “daily hour of cardio.” Instead, CrossFit athletes worldwide complete the same Workout of the Day (fondly deemed: the WOD) every day. WODs are comprised of a unique combination of gymnastics, weightlifting and cardiovascular exercises to elicit the highest levels of physical aptitude and mental toughness. We guarantee that our training will make you stronger and fitter on every playing field, and that you will not be bored in the process!
Our CrossFit Kids program offers workouts scaled to accommodate and challenge children of all fitness levels. Our focus on functional movement fosters the development of physical skills and strength in children and teens. For those too young to participate, we even have an enclosed play area easily visible from the workout space. Check out our CrossFit Kids page on our website.
There is no greater feeling than the one that comes from reaching a goal and setting a new personal record. Trust us. Or don’t, and come try it for yourself.
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Get to know CrossFit 201
CrossFit 201 is a facility offering the CrossFit experience to the Franklin Lakes, NJ area. We do what it takes to help you reach your goals.