CSW Catering


    24 E 39th St
    Bayonne, NJ 07002 BayonneRate and review
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    Metro New York's premiere off site caterer

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    Madeline Shore
    December 18, 2021
    1 Rating

    We could hear chef Wilson very loudly insulting and physically threatening both a female employee of his and his ex wife. 10 mins later he came over to us all smiley and inquiring how we were doing most likely clueless about us hearing him yelling because of how shitfaced drunk he was and then as he turned around and walked away from us he (and I am 100% serious about this) actually let out what I would estimate was a 4 or 5 second fart. It wasn’t the loudest fart ever, but it was loud enough that the 6 of us who he had just spoken to all clearly heard and I’m not sure if he tried to play it off like it didn’t happen or if he was just too smashed to know he even farted, but he did not acknowledge it at all and he obviously did not apologize for it either. Shame on you Chef Wilson! You should be disgusted with yourself! How dare you? Never again!!!

    Pros: Food wasn’t so bad.

    Cons: Chef Sean Wilson is a horrible human being and all kidding aside, smelled like booze, vomit, body odor and actual shit. (No I’m seriously not kidding or exaggerating at all!)

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